
From site selection to feasibility studies and everything in between, the predevelopment services provided by DBS Group are unparalleled. We offer comprehensive services designed to maximize value on your investment and get deals done. With our expertise and personalized approach, you can trust us to be with you every step of the way. DBS Group is a true partner when you’re ready to begin working on your next project.

Predevelopment Services Provided

  • Site Selection and Evaluation — DBS Group will help you analyze potential sites for your project based on location, site-specific features, proximity to utilities, code constraints, and local market factors to ensure the best fit for your objectives.
  • Entitlement Confirmation & Management — We’ll confirm the intended use is allowable for your chosen site, as well as confirm site-specific codes and the process for obtaining required project approvals and permits (aka Entitlements). Further, we’ll coordinate and manage the process for obtaining the required approvals and permits from approval agencies.
  • Feasibility/Market Study Assistance — A feasibility/market study will confirm the viability of your project by analyzing market trends, demand forecasts, and economic factors, ensuring its success and profitability. We will assist in determining the level of feasibility study required for your project, solicit proposals from feasibility study consultants, and coordinate the completion of the feasibility/market study commissioned for your project.
  • Pro Forma Development Assistance — A Pro Forma will forecast your project’s financial performance and is a key piece of information analyzed by sources of financing, including investors, stakeholders and lenders. We will solicit proposals from pro forma development consultants and coordinate the completion of the pro forma commissioned for your project.
  • Financing Assistance — We have a robust network of financing sources and will provide introductions to financing and lender contacts and assist in proposal solicitation and evaluation. In addition, we will assist in identifying potential sources of financing assistance, including grants, tax incremental financing, tax abatement, low and fixed-rate financing, etc.
  • Offer-to-Purchase & Due Diligence Coordination — We will provide input regarding OTP contingencies, as well as provide input regarding the OTP due diligence period. In addition, we will coordinate and manage due diligence activities, including geotechnical surveys, environmental site assessments, hazardous material surveys and appraisal coordination.

To learn more about our predevelopment services, download our Guide to Getting Deals Done.