Senior housing trends to watch
More senior housing will be needed in coming years, but that doesn’t mean boomers will be beating down the door to get in.
Qualifying subcontractors in today’s tight labor market
It’s no secret that today’s commercial construction labor market is tight, and there’s no end in sight. The issue is having an impact on the ability of firms to find qualified workers.
Major changes coming to the construction industry
While the construction industry may seem to be a slow-moving vehicle, the truth is there are a number of subterranean industry developments, figuratively speaking, that stand to change the industry on a fundamental level, and swiftly.
Creating experiential retail to drive foot traffic to bricks and mortar stores
Believe it or not, 82 percent of millennials actually enjoy shopping more in physical stores than online stores.
Manufacturing construction looks promising for 2018
Growth in manufacturing construction has been stagnant in 2017, but that’s expected to change in 2018. Watch for robotics, 3D printing, nearsharing and sustainability to trend. For currents trends in other market sectors, download our2017 Commercial Construction Trend Report.
What’s trending in warehousing?
Online shopping is booming, which means more retailers need a lot more space to house their goods. That just about says it all when looking at warehouse design-build contractor trends. Here are the details.
Life After Dark: Tips for Commercial Property Owners to Repurpose Dark Retail
For commercial property developers, dark retail can be a source of frustration, blight & erosion of property value. Tips for Commercial property owners.
What’s trending in senior housing?
Senior housing is expected to boom in coming years. If you’re a developer, baby boomer or are in the senior housing industry, this is for you. For currents trends in other market sectors, download our 2017 Commercial Construction Trend Report.
Construction Material Costs Are Up: Here’s How to Keep Expenses Down
The cost of building materials continues to rise, and developers and builders are looking for ways to manage those increasing costs.
Here’s Why Retailers Need to Pay Attention to Generation Z
Thinking of starting a new commercial construction project for retail, and want that business to flourish? Look five, 10 or even 20 years into the future, say experts.